Wednesday, April 12, 2017


This week was mainly spent in the machine shop. Most of the parts for our team have been cut to shape and need to have holes drill through them. I am hoping by the end of this week, or by next week, we could have the mounts for the propulsion motor finished, as well as the braking mechanism. The gearbox for the brake will take a little longer due to the complex shape, but it should not take much longer than the rest of the machine. Otherwise, we need to figure out a way to buy our motors for propulsion, and we are coming up with ideas now.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017


Within the past two week, the brake design has been completed and fabrication has begun. I went ahead and bought the extra metal that I needed for the design, finidng appropriate stock material. Then from there, started to cut the stock to length and prep it for the mill, and cnc mill. Additionally, I preformed some FEA on the parts that have been design to make sure that the brakets for the motor would be able to hold up to the forces produced by the motor as well as the weight of the motor itself.